Wash Your Hands You Filthy Animal Quote, Keep the Change You Filthy Animal, 820.31 kB, 00:35, 1,317,831, r2k3982, 2010-01-16T09:21:41.000000Z, 9, Amazon.com: Wash Your Hands Ya Filthy Animal 11" x 14" - Unframed, www.amazon.com, 1000 x 1233, jpeg, , 20, wash-your-hands-you-filthy-animal-quote, KAMPION
13 mind opening alan watts quotes ‘if you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. ‘the only way to handle danger is to face it. ’ ‘the way to become one with the universe is to trust it. ’ ‘better to have a short life that is full. No work or love will flourish out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. You and i are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.
— alan watts , the way of zen. Meaning, life, purpose, fate. “to remain stable is to refrain from trying to separate yourself from a pain because you know that you cannot. Running away from fear is fear, fighting pain is. Alan watts was a british philosopher who spoke about asian philosophies for a western audience. He wrote over 25 books and was an excellent orator on topics such as the meaning of life, higher consciousness, the true nature of reality and the pursuit of happiness. Below we look at some of his most potent quotes on various topics. The secret to life’s path. “when we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point.